To some people, it seems counterintuitive to suggest that hiring an expensive litigation attorney can actually save you money. It might appear that not paying for an attorney and handling things on your own is a smart strategy that saves money, but it often is not. Particularly in a business, there are plenty of instances in which you are costing yourself a fortune by not going to see a business attorney.
Hire a Business Attorney to Avoid Litigation
What is one of the smartest things you can do to save money in the long run? The answer is, talk to your attorney before you make big decisions. These decisions could be anything from choosing a business structure to doing business as a particular brand. A good example is in the case of trademark infringement. A quick business lawyer consultation and a thorough trademark search could help you avoid infringing on someone else’s intellectual property. Even if it costs several hundred dollars upfront, you’d be saving yourself a large settlement and attorney’s fees down the road, plus a major headache and the cost of starting over as a new brand.
Use a Litigation Lawyer for Lawsuit Expertise
If someone asked you how to describe filing a lawsuit from start to finish, with a particular emphasis on how to win, would you be confident in your explanation? Most of the time, business owners with little to no legal experience try to tackle complex legal issues alone in order to save money. However, consider what would happen if someone were selling your product without paying you a licensing fee, and you sued them yourself. At any point, your lack of experience could result in the entire case being thrown out, due to something as simple as an improperly filed court document. You stand to gain a great deal out of successfully suing a competitor but this is much more likely if you have a quality company lawyer on your side to walk you through the process.
How Business Attorneys Make You Money
A good litigation attorney will normally be paid based on your success, but even when they’re paid hourly or by task, they fight on your behalf so you can come out ahead. The money you receive from your litigation results takes the dedication of an experienced business litigation lawyer. To save that money, all you have to do is find an attorney who’s a good fit for you and your business.